If you have access to a Windows machine, the process of creating a live USB is extremely easy. In addition, you will also need a copy of the latest version of Ubuntu, which can be downloaded from Ubuntu's official download page. To create this bootable USB drive, also known as a live USB, you will need access to a USB drive with at least 2 GB of storage and a functioning computer, but it does not matter if it is a Mac or Windows.
In this guide, I'm going to show you how to create a USB drive that contains all of the necessary files to boot your Windows PC or Mac into Ubuntu. While it's pretty impressive that a root vegetable can handle an entire operating system, it won't help you get your computer up and running. Since it's based off of Linux, it has the ability to boot on pretty much anything, from a USB drive to a potato.
It is currently the most popular Linux distribution and has a dedicated community that's actively working to make it smoother, faster, and more secure. Ubuntu doesn't get a lot of love compared to powerhouses like Windows and Mac OS X, but those who do use it are often fans for life. If you've ever wiped your computer without having a proper backup of your operating system, or just wanted to cause some havoc online, chances are you've had to rely on Linux to help you out, specifically the Ubuntu distro.